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Marijuana around the world

As marijuana quickly grows in popularity around the world, many are becoming more interested in traveling to places where the plant is used commonly. If youve found yourself curious about traveling to places where you can use cannabis, look no further. Weve put together a list of many popular places that are beautiful, and you can also use cannabis in some form while visiting. So come and join us as we take you on a trip around the world to see how different countries and cultures use cannabis around the world.

Marijuana in USA
Marijuana grown in Colorado, USA 
United States & Canada

North America has seen growing interest in medical marijuana, and with the legality of the plant becoming more popular, traveling to get the best marijuana you can buy is extremely easy. With recreational marijuana being legal in a few states and territories, marijuana is available for purchase for anyone over the age of 21.


India is one of the most beautiful and culture-rich countries in the world, and although cannabis use is illegal in the country there are special times throughout the year where cannabis is used commonly. During events like Holi, a Hindu festival that occurs in February or March, locals and foreigners drink a sweet concoction known as bhang lassi. Bhang is cannabis leaves that are ground up and mixed to create a fruity yogurt-like drink. There are many ways to drink bhang, and if you arent a fan of yogurt you can try bhang with Coca Cola or even Fanta. If youre fortunate to visit India during Holi, the police typically wont bother you as it is a custom to use cannabis during these events.

If youre looking at traveling to India during other times of the year, some states have their own laws pertaining to marijuana. You can find the plant pretty easily, especially in the northern parts of the country. If youre considering travel to India, the country is canna-friendly and offers a unique way to experience cannabis that is sure to let you live as the locals do.


Spain is known for its rich history, but many people arent aware that this is one of the few countries where marijuana use is legal. While the use of marijuana is allowed, the sale of the plant is not, making it tricky to get cannabis in the country. The locals are common users of cannabis, and people can get their pot by joining one of the many cannabis clubs that exist in Spain. The government is working really hard to get people to stop buying marijuana from the black market, so they work extra hard at making people want to get their cannabis from one of the many collectives in the country.


The Netherlands is long known as a canna-friendly country where locals and tourists alike can use marijuana at many of the coffee shops around the country.  Home of Amsterdam, the Netherlands gives marijuana consumers the ability to use the plant in public, which is illegal in most places where cannabis has been legalized. If youre looking to travel to the Netherlands, the best time to travel is between May and September, which is also the best time to check out the nations other popular flower: the tulip.

Regardless of where youre looking to go, you can easily find many places in the world to visit and support your lifestyle at the same time. We hope that this article has shown you a few places you were not aware of that include cannabis in its culture and choose to visit one of these beautiful countries in the near future.


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  2. Haha wow, I love this man. PLEASE keep posting! Can't wait to read your next blog!

  3. We’ve put together a list of many popular places that are beautiful, and you can also use cannabis in some form while seeds



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